The Collaborative School

Training Opportunities for Teachers
Teachers at the Collaborative school receive training and support in both academic instruction and strategies to support the emotional needs of their students. Under the guidance of the Education Director and Literary Coordinator, teachers participate in a yearlong Professional Learning Community (PLC) which focuses on targeted educational goals. From that group, additional training is delivered by the Literary Coordinator based on identified needs. Additional training opportunities for teachers include:
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)
Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS)
Autism Spectrum
Whole school and team training related to topics such as trauma, attachment, executive functioning, brain-based interventions, Collaborative problem-solving, mindfulness, milieu management, therapeutic use of self, self-care, and team building
Tuition reimbursement for university courses, conferences, and seminars
An Attachment, Trauma & ASD Informed Treatment Setting