The Collaborative School

Grades K - 8
Kindergarten to Eighth Grade
For K-8 students, the day starts with breakfast and a morning meeting which includes a review of the day’s schedule. Students then transition to reading, writing, and math blocks.
Learning is supported with the use of iPads, Smartboards, and computers. Recess and breaks are also part of the morning routine.

After lunch, the schedule alternates each day with different subjects and classroom activities including science, art, physical education (held at YMCA), and social studies.
Staff supports students throughout the day in accomplishing learning goals and fostering a caring community in which friendships blossom.
Every Friday students have the opportunity to participate in our Funday. Each classroom develops a range of onsite activities and community-based outings that occur throughout the year.
Examples include ice skating, bowling, trips to the beach, trampoline parks, hiking, and a variety of holiday-themed parties.

Each classroom also has an incentive program that encourages students to earn cards that can be turned in for items at the school store such as toys, snacks, and privileges.
An Attachment, Trauma & ASD Informed Treatment Setting