The Collaborative School

Class VR
ClassVR headsets provide a safe and secure way for students to explore VR and AR in the classroom. Staff have full control over each device. From a comfortable VR experience using

Curriculum-Aligned Resources
The Class VR portal contains thousands of pedagogically sound, curriculum-aligned VR and AR resources including content, downloadable lesson plans, guides, and worksheets to boost student engagement in every lesson. Teachers can also upload their own created content, and access the community of educational resources shared by existing Class VR users and other third-party educational VR and AR content providers.
Ages 4-7
Pre-School / Infant / Kindergarten
Early education is all about learning through experience. Find out how your youngest students can benefit from immersive 360 environments, used to enhance, impact, and complement the real-world exploration and play that builds a solid foundation in the pre-school years.
Ages 7-11
Primary School / Elementary School
There’s so much potential for bringing the curriculum to life using virtual and augmented reality experiences, from visiting far-flung corners of the world to holding the human heart in your hands. Find out more about how VR and AR can have a remarkable impact in all areas of learning
Ages 11-14
Secondary School / Middle School
Entering the next phase of education, students aged 11-14 can use virtual reality in education to build emotional intelligence, and creative thinking and further develop a secure foundation of knowledge for a more engaging and effective learning condition than just textbooks and videos alone.
Ages 14-16
Secondary School / High School
Ensuring students are engaged, motivated, and challenged throughout their school careers is a key priority for teachers. See how virtual and augmented reality can impact students by unlocking potential, providing new ways to experience learning, and even opportunities to create their own media.
Ages 16-18 +
Higher or Further Education
Universities and colleges have always been at the cutting edge of new technologies, driving development, impacting industries, and creating the next generation of scientists, developers, and entrepreneurs. Virtual and augmented reality technologies are at the frontier of development right now, and change is happening at a frenetic pace.
An Attachment, Trauma & ASD Informed Treatment Setting